Weather is perfect. I am in for a great day in Montreal. Weekday Montreal seems very busy. Corporate crowds march in multiple directions, as I walk in search of the old Montreal that is about to take me back 300-400 years in time.
I can only walk aimlessly in the old town, because every nook and corner seems too picturesque for me to follow a plan.
The Notre-dame church in Montreal seems more beautiful than the one in France.
Brilliantly crafted churches, beautiful squares, and casual statues in unexpected corners are the order of the day.
While inner streets are too narrow for a car, there are broad enough streets to accommodate the needs of the luxury. I am thinking walking and biking should be made as a mandatory modes of transportation through time.
It feels like most of the buildings in the plazas and squares have a cafe feature attached to them. What better way to cool off from the morning Sun than a chilled wine at a French cafe.
I buy nothing when I travel. But for a shopper, Art, boutiques, farmers maple syrup, gourmet cheese and much more. Options are abound.
As I go back in time and let my mind visualize the images I capture in my camera in B+W, I see limitless options, only if I can take the liberty to steal the hearts my readers with pictures than words.
I cross the road into the islands to get a distant view of the old port and the early morning skyline before I find the best smelling restaurant to settle for a bowl of soup with bread.