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My name is Deepa Janakiraman and I have been writing this blog to share my passion for world travels, triathlon, marathon, and trekking.

I love sharing my experiences and lessons learned in hope of inspiring a soul or two to step out of the comfort zone and try something new.


I have been fortunate enough to travel around the world for a while now and have scratched the surface of 40 some countries. Even though my first trip outside of my comfort zone was moving to US to pursue my bachelors degree at University of Maryland, I never considered that as a part of my real travel experience. Because, that journey meant countless hours of study, second job and third job to keep it going.

At least, I landed in a country where hard-work pays off. And I managed to find a job in a fortune 500 company where I stayed for a decade, pursed my masters at UMD and started exploring the world.

My Travel Style:

I consider myself a backpacker. I travel in tight budgets, look for ways to get local and authentic experiences without splurging. I stay at hostels, home-stays with locals, couch surf and not very picky if I can’t get a warm shower for a few days…..( the longest I have gone without shower was 7-days at Kilimanjaro hike. )

I used to travel solo for years until I found an equally free-spirited soul to travel with as a couple, so I know the best/worst of both worlds.

2018 Update: Now we travel as a family with our little guy.


Do you dream of traveling the world and want to know how I have been managing ? Read further !!!

How do I manage a full time job and travel ?!

I am on H1B visa or EAD and is it safe to travel so much ?!

How to find a place to stay without breaking your budget ?